Quartier Q-plus Dye 2K Grey 1ltr + 100ml Activator 260.0011.1100

Quartier Q-plus Dye 2K Grey 1ltr + 100ml Activator  260.0011.1100
Views: 386 Brand: kit
Product Code: Q06
Availability: 10
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Quartier Q-Plus is a water-based dye for the colouration of Oak, Douglas Fir and other hardwoods. It is primarily intended for wood that will be located indoors, however, may be used for woods intended for outdoor locations if a suitable oil-based, UV-filtering finish is applied.

The Dye is activated before use by adding 1 part Activator to 10 parts dye. This serves to neutralise the acidic chemistry and introduce a whiteness that ensures the correct colour and light grain.

Q-Plus dyes upon application are fully dissolved within their solvent and subsequently dry to give a uniformly coloured wood surface with the annual rings and mirrors become lighter instead of dark. It is this that sets them apart from a stain.

The dyed wood must initially be primed with an oil or a solvent borne primer. Subsequent coatings with compatible waterborne finishes then possible.

Colors can be mixed with one another.


Make sure that all old finish coats are completely removed and that the wood is free from dust and other dirt. Sanding using established principles for the wood surface: for a floor, deep sanding with 60-100 grit then fine sanding with 100 120 grit according to established principles. The dye can be used on sanded, planed, and brushed wood.

Pre-wetting the wood is not required since when applied correctly Q-Plus dyes will not show overlap marks.


Shake the canister well and pour the amount you intend to use into a separate container.

Add 1 part Activator to 10 parts dye.

Stir well before and during use although you will notice there are no pigments that are prone to sticking to a container base present in Q-Plus dyes.

Q-Plus is evenly applied with a roller or brush in the direction of the woodgrain. Work in a section no wider than your arms comfortable reach. Work the product up to the skirtings using a fine brush or cloth avoiding wetness getting trapped under skirtings. Such a wet bubble will burst during drying and cause a tide mark.

Work the dye into the wood using a nylon pad under a doodlebug frame. At this point the dye should be largely absorbed into the wood, but if you feel you have over-applied then remove the excess with a lint-free cloth.

If you do intend to take a break from finishing during a job then work to a straight line or zig-zag parquet pattern. Masking tape is not recommended as it may cause its own problems on sanded wood. In general, it is best to take breaks when whole rooms are completed and you can pause in doorways.


Q-Plus dye must be dry properly before finishing. Under the Quartier system we are offering the options of polyurethane lacquers over alcohol based primer, polymer lacquers over oil primer and impregnating oil combinations.

The colour stability of Q-Plus dye is classed as lightfast. However, when exposed to direct sunlight there will still be colour fade, which can be mitigated by the use of UV-filtering Quartier Zero lacquer available under the Polyurethane Lacquer category of finishes. Finishes that are off-whites will normally be from the Impregnating Oils category. These should be cleaned with a solution of white soap which will maintain the light, white finish

For more information about finishes, see the categorisation on www.aboutquartier.co.uk


0.1L for samples then 1L & 5L


11 colours, activator and dilutor


10 - 12 m2/liter


3 or 4 hours


To ensure swift drying then 15 to 20 deg C. The working temperature and humidity will not affect the final colour from Q-Plus Dye.


Keep between 5°C and 25°C


Once activated: +/- 48 hours


Dispose of residue and empty packaging in accordance with local regulations.


Only use corrosion-resistant materials. Clean all materials with water immediately afterwards. The final colour of the dye depends on the wood type & batch, sanding, preparation and the amount applied. It is recommended that clients are only presented with the finished combination of dye colour, primer and finish either as sample or completed project since dye alone can raise false expectations. That said; dye + pale prep+ primer+ zero conservatief will largely give the appearance of dried dye.  

Version 1: 2024/05/16